Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 745

Chapter 745


Its called Summer Date.

Is it a romantic movie?

Yes, it is. Do you enjoy romantic movies? We can choose something else if you prefer.

Concerned about potentially inappropriate scenes in the romantic movie, Sabrina hesitated. It would be awkward for her and unsuitable for Jennie.

Is there an animated movie for kids playing?

After a brief pause, Trevor said, I think so. Lets go and have a Look.

Sounds good.

For Trevor, it didnt matter which movie they watched as Long as he was with Sabrina.

Sabrina asked, Jennie, would you like to watch a movie? Maybe a cartoon?

Jennie hadnt been to the cinema in Mathias yet. She felt torn. On one hand, Jennie wanted to indulge her desire to watch a movie. On the other hand, she considered asking Sabrina to take her home so that she could spend less time with Trevor.

Eventually, she nodded. Yes!

She wondered if Tyrone would be upset with her decision.

Alright, Lets head to the cinema!

Jennie slid off her seat, holding her cup of chocolate milk in one hand and Sabrinas hand in the other.

Sabrina was about to take the remaining cups of coffee, but Trevor beat her to it and said, Let me get them for you.


Trevors reflex was to pull his hand away. He blushed and smiled shyly.

Im sorry.

Its alright, Sabrina replied with a smile.

As they continued walking, Trevor touched her hand again

This time, it was deliberate. Trevor summoned the courage. Lowering his gaze, he took her hand in his.

